FAQ’s | Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Is it made in America?
A: Yes
Q: How expensive is it?
A: The cost to go from status quo water resistant to waterproof for new home construction will be about ~3.5% of the cost of the average home compared to a ~1.5% for a “water resistant” foundation. On waterproofing repair jobs, it may add about 20% to the combined labor and material cost.
Q: Does American Drain systems require any maintenance?
A: All drainage systems should be professionally inspected at least once every two years. This should take about 2 to 3 hours on the average 2500 sq ft home.
Q: Will roots cause problems with American Drain Systems?
A: No system can handle roots like The American Drain since it’s the only system that allows you to see and access the area on a buried foundation wall and the area outside of the drain pipe. Any underground drainage system is susceptible to root infiltration. Panels and pipes can be easily accessed to treat or remove roots if needed. Root deterrent filter fabric (such as Bio Barrier) is also an option in areas near trees with aggressive root systems and this fabric can even be easily installed in the panels later on.
Q: Why isn’t my good builder using this?
A: Because it’s brand new and they probably don’t know about it yet. Please do them and their clients a favor & let them know!
Q: Is this really the only true waterproofing?
A: Yes! I couldn’t find another and neither could the US patent office – that’s why they’ve granted me two patents on this system. The only way to permanently and consistently waterproof a basement or crawl space wall is to be able to control what happens in the space between the backfill soil and that wall. Traditional so-called waterproofing methods rely on things like the foundation wall being clean to apply a membrane or coating that will stick to that wall. Anybody who builds foundations like I have for years knows that you can’t always get ideal conditions. Foundation coatings are often applied to walls that are too hot, too cold, too wet and/or too dirty. As soil dries and shrinks away from the wall, it can cause breaches and even pull waterproofing away with it. Too much wetness on the outside of walls will eventually get into and through the walls. The American Drain is a totally different type of system so none of these problems apply.
Q: Is it easy to install?
A: Any good craftsman such as a handyman, a rough carpenter or mason should have no problem watching a video and installing this product. Like most large home projects, it is better to have a drainage professional perform the installation. We can supply training videos, support and even video calls and inspections.
Why do traditional systems fail?
Extend the life of your home and property. Maybe you plan to move in 20 years when the kids are grown. The American dream doesn’t just keep the foundation dry but it keeps the perimeter area of the yard around the house dryer. This can double the healthy life of your home and landscaping.